Have you ever come across a baby (person) with a name that fit into one of the above categories and actually liked it??? If so, what is the name and why did/do you like it?
What is the most "UNIQUE" baby name you've ome across and actually liked?
Well, I know a lot of strange-named people, but there aren't very many that I actually like...
I do like Cyndel. It's the name of one of my friends. It rhymes with spindle... I definitely thought it was a rather strange name when I first heard it, but it fits her perfectly and I mostly like the name because she herself is a fun person to be around.
I also think Romney is okay... she's my computer teacher's daughter.
I'm not quite sure what I think of this one...it's the name of one of my friends. Sigrid...it kind of reminds me of cigarette, but in a more attractive and different way. She's amazing, but I'm undecided about if I like or dislike her name.
I suppose those are mostly the ones that I like. This was a fun question. I really liked it.
-- Amy
Reply:Quita - a nice , quiet, intelligent girl I went to school with (grades 7 - 12).
Fabian %26amp; Gerard - two guys I went to school with (7th - 10th); they were intelligent
Rexann - a girl I went to school with (5th - part of 11th) - had her GED the first test she took to see just where her learning level was %26amp; what needed to be taught.
Amanda Jem - my niece's name (first %26amp; middle); she was named after the valedictorian of my senior class %26amp; a cartoon character.
Cosimo - a guy that lived in the Hammond, LA area in the early to mid 1980's; unsure if I had a crush on his looks or odd name.
Reply:My favorite is Gemini.
But a few that were only about 99.99% atrocious were:
Edena (Eden with an A at the end, not half bad)
Libra ( it's an astrology sign, like Gemini)
Cassiopeia ( it's a constellation)
But these are mostly ridiculous. The just don't sound as retarded as half the stuff people come up with.
Reply:Oh I love the name Ocean. I wanted to name my son that so BAD. I love the name ocean because the ocean is so powerful and beautiful. It can be dangerous but romantic. Some names I have seen are Seven and I met this boy when he was seven, he goes to my daughters class. I also like the name Treasure. She was a girl in my son's class. I loved. Every child is a treasure and she definetly fit the name.
Reply:i love unique names. her are the top 5:
Francheskah Maleen Jamall(two first names)
Ferry Whell(ferry well)i hate this i always think of a ferris wheel!
Hyldahleenah(hill-duh-leen-ah) Joyclyn(joy-clean)
Hyden Reilie(ree-lee)
Breadlie Brianne(bra-d-lee)(bree-ann)
Reply:Tzipora. Its German or Hungarian. It was the name of Elie Wiesel's little sister. If you don't know Elie Wiesel, he is the author of Night, and he is a Holocaust survivor.
Reply:my daughters name is Baylynn which is pretty unique i think. (BAY-LYNN) we picked it out by buying a baby book and i was looking on the boys side and i seen baylon...and i thought hmm Baylynn?
Reply:I went to school with a girl named Barbria. I thought it was a cute twist on Barbara.
I worked with a woman named Katana. I thought it was pretty.
Reply:Dorjee - Tibetan for Thunder Love it
Eyontae - made up and my version on Lighting Love it
Coen - German/ Dutch meaning brave and courageous. getting use to it
Reply:Kacio pronounced kay-see-oh
Kalia pronounced kah-lee-ah
Reply:Tzipora I actually really liked too!
Reply:Nalani. I like it.
Reply:Jewelynn... not too uncommon anymore but it was when my friend named her daughter that about 8 years ago. :)
lol i know its not that unique,
but its not a common name
and i like it =]
Reply:Kierce or Kearce for a girl. I love it! I don't know why I just really like it!
Reply:Azalea, and i loves it! :)
Reply:I haven't
Reply:I like Knox, Nash, and Cash. I also used to like Kason
Reply:Fredrick, jim, fred. They are very pretty names
Reply:I like the name Gemini .
Reply:ametza. (am-et-sa) idk. its just kinda a pretty name
Reply:tapazio a girl in my school. i personally dont like the name
Reply:janessia i think thats pretty and i have a relative with that name....ja-nee-sia
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