Saturday, July 24, 2010

I am getting a female Pomeranian, and she is so cute i want a unique name for her, well call her it right now?

I am getting a female Pomeranian, and she is so cute i want a unique name for her, well call her it right now and i get to pick the name and i dont want "it"! lol .

I am getting a female Pomeranian, and she is so cute i want a unique name for her, well call her it right now?
Personally, I think this one is totally up to you ~ here are a few things to keep in mind when trying to decide on the name for your pet:

* Her coat color.

* Her personality.

* Her size.

* Her breed.

* Personal history of you and your dog.

* If you will enjoy repeating that name over and over.

Try this site, its fun and might help you find what your looking for:
Reply:Well, when I got my dog I wanted something REALLY original. (My grandmothers dog's name is Molly, which is the most common name for a female dog right now).... So anyway, I went to and narrowed it down by "origin". I had just finished watching boondock saints, so I picked something Irish. The name I ended up with for my beautiful black puppy is Keeva...and everyone loves it. So that is my advice for you. Babynames - narrow by origin - and maybe even narrow it further by the letter you want her name to begin with. Good luck and Have fun!
Reply:I tried to pick a name b4 I got my puppy and I thought I had it until I saw her then I knew it was'nt right. When I looked at her in her eyes I decided on her name. The point is u really can't decide until u see ur dog. Then u will know what is the perfect name. Good Luck.
Reply:I like naming pets based on their looks or personality. When you tell someone their name, they can go "wow, that name fits her/him perfectly!" Or, I have some websites for u to try out.
Reply:tatiana, ayo, kitrick, Atiyana, Archer,

Aria, amber, summer, zoey, hope you find the right name for her!!!!
Reply:Wait to get the dog before deciding on names. Have a few picked out, but do not decide until you observe her.

How about names based on mythology?




Reply:How about "Panzie?" lol
Reply:pomeraNIAn.......Nia......hows that%26gt;




Maggie Mae




Reply:i like kiara or roxie

good luck with your new puppy!
Reply:give her a cute human name ....or wait awhile until u get feel of her Temperament then name... but i like Nala

korean martial arts

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