I have a Korean short haired orange kitty and after extensive research couldnt find a name i liked. I went with Cyrus for like a week, the Meaty (short for Meatloaf) for about another week and finally named him Cheeto. Whats yur pets name or what would you name you pet?
Whats yur pets name? Im looking for unique names. =]?
Murderface (cat)
Toki (cat)
Pickles (cat)
Nathan Explosion (cat)
Skwisgarr Skwigelf (cat)
Snake Pliskin (snake)
Ash (ferret)
Mousy (mouse)
Apathy (mouse)
Twitch (cat)
Nivek (cat)
Henry (cat)
Spaz (cat)
La petit bette noir (cat)
Thorn (cat)
Mr Whiskers (cat)
Reply:I teach French and Spanish so I usually name my pets something in one of those languages. My first dog was Colette, and this one is Renny. Renny is short for Renard, which is the French word for fox because she was the color and had a tail like one. My one black cat is Minuit (midnight in French) and the other is Negrito (little black one in Spanish) and then a spotted cat I have is Pinta (painted one).
But I've also had dogs when I was a child named Lucky, Zelda and Blue. And cats named George, Tabby, Toussaint (all saint's....closest I could get to Halloween in French), and Tiger.
For ponies, we had Silver, Lightning, Blacky, Penny and Diablo.
Cheeto sounds like a good name for this one!
Reply:I have a ginger cat called "rover" because...well I actually I cant remember why we called her that? I think it was because she roams all over the place?lol
Maybe you should find out more about her personality then chose a name that expresses her personality or chose a name that she responds to
or you could just pick a name like "ben" or "sammy" or sumthing?
Hope this helps
Reply:I have loads of pets, but the more interesting names of my cats are Mr. Orange, Wingnut, Screwloose, Fubsy, Monkey, Skeeter, and I have a mini pig named Bacon.. the rest of my animals don't have super interesting names :P
Reply:I have alot of pets so here are some of there names.
Mia aka Boo Boo(dog)
Lexy aka Lex(dog)
Rebel aka Reb(dog)
Lil' Buck(goat)
Reply:I have 8 dogs - Teddy, Gretchen, Smokey, Tiger, Cosmos, Blackie, Honey Bun, and Romeo.
I also have 9 ferrets - Scooter, Dot, Stewie, Sparky, Mischief, Koda, Coco, Muffin and Misty.
Reply:I like to name my pets after someone I like. My shihtzu is Rosia, after my best friend's mom. My cat is Henry, after the doctor that saved my life. My Border Collie is Denver, after .... Denver.
Reply:Well i have animals named:
Mr Fogleman
Hope it helps :)
Reply:My cat is Tiger my dog is Eddy my birds are Bitey and Tweety my guinea pigs are Humphrey and Lollipop and my fish is Mr.Clean and my mouse is Mr.Smiley.
I used to have a horse that was called Froachka.
Reply:our pets name are of famous couples and if i don't have the pet yet then ill put a $.
Adam and Eve.
Bonnie and $Clyde$
Hailey(got her from a friend who has cancer)
Mufasa and $Nala$
Reply:I used to have lots of cats. Tiger,Pearl,Cali[short for Calico],and Pickle. I am only 11 so I don't know if you would like them.
Reply:I have a clownfish named Omen and a scooter blenny named Scooter Puff. Also have a bearded dragon-his name is Spike.
Reply:I have 3 dogs: Max, Becky and Daisy
3 cats: Muffin, Margaret and Skittles
and a Turtle named Franklin
Reply:My Kittens name is Norman...Norm for short. Everyone thinks its hysterical. Good luck in your name search!
Annie answers to sweetz-cat
Reply:My pet's names are Daisy Duck (cat), Kobe (dog), Raidyn (dog).
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